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- Species: Taraxacum officinalie
- Depth to sow seed:
- Sprout: 1-2 weeks
- Days to maturity: 85-95
- Compatible with Aerogarden? Yes/No
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Aerogarden Compatibility[]
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Cultivation and Care[]
It's essential to pick the flower heads to keep the plant's energy going to root and leaf production.
Harvest the outer leaves as you would harvest lettuce. Use the leaves in a salad.
To harvest the whole plant, cut the dandelion greens with a sharp knife, garden shears or scissors.
Store gourmet dandelion leaves and flowers in a freezer bag in the refrigerator and serve them within a week for the best taste. Throw out any that wilt.
- Use any fertilizer made for growing lettuce or herbs.
- Avoid using dandelion leaves from a plant that has started to bolt, or flower. The leaves of a plant that has bolted can be bitter and unpleasant.
Eating Dandelions[]
Every part of the Dandelion is edible.
- Roots- Used as a vegetable or for making tea.
- Crowns_ This is the whitish bulb like part of the plant just at ground level. It is used in salads or as a vegetable, often in cooking recipes.
- Leaves- Used in salads and as a cooked vegetable, usually with other vegetables. Pick in the spring as they get bitter later in the year.
- Flower buds- This is the part of the plant which is used to make Dandelion wine. You guessed takes a lot of flower buds to make a little wine!
- Harvest at any time after the leaves are about 5" long or more. Wash thoroughly in a sink full of water with a few drops of dish detergent.
- Steam or boil for about 20 minutes. Serve with butter, hot sauce, vinegar or in soups and stews. They are also very good in salad using the smaller leaves.
- Dandelion flowers can be battered and fried. The roots can be roasted and ground for a coffee substitute.